Sarah Batkin
Crocodile Tears
Based on Sandra Hochman’s 1973 documentary The Year of the Woman
Camera pans left
to right,
men with rubbery necks pry,
watching the carnivalesque
performance of an all-female troupe,
lips gnarled drifting laughter
across room
to the parade of mounting anger,
one partisan has the face of a crocodile,
the body of a woman.
Jeering is contagious,
it has a domino effect –
the disease is oppression.
She begs for eyes and ears:
‘I have cried for so long
without anybody listening.’
Sarah Batkin is a Creative Writing and Social Sciences student at Auckland University of Technology. She will be completing her MA in English and New Media in 2017. Her writing has previously appeared in North & South, Salient and The Spinoff.